Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 0.89MB]
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Your satisfaction with our product and theservices provided by authorized BMW centersis of great importance to us. We take pride inour product, as does the BMW center whoservices it. If you should ever have a questionregarding your BMW center's service or yourBMW's performance, we recommend that youcontact your authorized BMW center. Shouldyou travel to an unfamiliar area, the BMWcenter directory provided at the time of deliverywill help you locate the nearest authorizedBMW center. The centers listed are equippedto help you with all matters related to yourBMW vehicle.When contacting an authorized BMW center,we suggest that depending upon the nature ofyour contact, you discuss it with either theSales, Service, or Parts Manager.As all matters are resolved at the BMW centerlevel, it is important that they be given theopportunity to provide a solution. Should youfeel that you were not provided with the properresponse, we urge you to contact the GeneralManager or BMW Center Operator.Despite the best intentions of all parties, amisunderstanding may occur between youand your BMW center. Should this occur andyou require further assistance, you may wishto contact the BMW NA Customer RelationsDepartment at 1-800-831-1117. When calling,we ask that you provide the followinginformation:1.Your name, address and telephone number.2.Vehicle Identification Number (last sevendigits).3.Vehicle's delivery date.4.Vehicle mileage.5.Selling BMW center's name.6.Servicing BMW center's name.7.Description of the problem.A BMW NA Customer Relations Representa-tive will carefully review all the facts involvedand let you know what further action will betaken in conjunction with your BMW center.Please remember: the first step in resolving acomplaint is to contact the authorized BMWcenter that performed the work on your vehicle.They have the necessary equipment and thepersonnel to achieve this goal.We are confident that every effort will be madeto ensure your satisfaction.Customer AssistanceInformation21
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