Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 0.89MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 0.89MB
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30ment, that results in the failure of any part ofthe vehicle.Failure to maintain the vehicle properly inaccordance with the instructions in theOwner's Manual or the Service section of thisStatement, that results in the failure of any partof the vehicle.Modification of the vehicle or installation of anyperformance accessories or componentsattached to the vehicle which alters theoriginal engineering and/or operatingspecifications or which result in damage to theother original components, electrical interfer-ence, electrical short, radio static, water leaksand wind noise.Tires are warranted by their respectivemanufacturer as detailed in the applicable tiremanufacturer's warranty statements. Instruc-tions for proper tire care and maintenance arecontained in the Owner's Manual. Should youexperience difficulty in obtaining warrantyservice from a tire manufacturer, your autho-rized BMW center will assist you in resolvingthe difficulty.Non-BMW Parts - While you may elect to usenon-genuine BMW parts for maintenance orrepair services, BMW NA is not obligated topay for repairs that include non-genuine BMWparts or for any damage resulting from the useof non-genuine parts.BMW will not accept any liability for anyparts and accessories not approved byBMW.This warranty shall be null and void if thevehicle identification number has beenaltered or cannot be read, if the odometerhas been replaced or altered and the truemileage cannot be determined, if the vehiclehas been declared a total loss or sold forsalvage purposes, or if the vehicle has beenused in any competitive event.GeneralThese warranties give you specific legal rights,and you may also have other rights which varyfrom state to state.THE DURATION OF ANY IMPLIED WARRAN-TIES, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTYOF MERCHANTABILITY, IS LIMITED TO THEDURATION OF THE EXPRESS WARRANTIESHEREIN. BMW NA HEREBY EXCLUDESINCIDENTAL AND CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES, INCLUDING LOSS OF TIME,INCONVENIENCE, OR LOSS OF USE OFTHE VEHICLE, FOR ANY BREACH OF ANYEXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, IN-CLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OFMERCHANTABILITY, APPLICABLE TO THISPRODUCT.Some states do not allow limitations on howlong an implied warranty lasts, or the exclu-sion or limitation of incidental or consequentialdamages, so the above limitations andexclusions may not apply to you.
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