Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 0.89MB]
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Maintenance SystemThe BMW Maintenance System has beendevised with the following objectives: tomaximize vehicle safety, reliability, and resalevalue by minimizing breakdowns resulting fromwear, and minimizing cost and inconvenienceby computing maintenance intervals basedupon the specific manner in which eachindividual vehicle is driven.Maintenance intervals on motor vehicles haveconventionally been specified based uponaccumulated mileage. However, the type ofdriving conditions has a major influence onroutine maintenance requirements; distancetraveled is only one of the significant factors.A vehicle driven for 50,000 miles of short tripsin the city with numerous cold starts, pro-longed periods of idling, stop-and-go driving,and high engine speeds during accelerationrequires more frequent maintenance intervalsthan a vehicle driven for 50,000 miles for longdistances at low engine speeds primarily atoperating temperature.The advanced technologies at BMW have ledto the development of the unique BMW serviceinterval indicator which computes the actualoptimum maintenance requirements basednot only upon the accumulated mileage, buttaking into account important factors such asengine coolant temperatures, high or lowengine speeds, short or long trip driving, andnumber of vehicle starts. The maintenanceinterval may therefore be maximized withconsiderable savings to owners of vehiclessubjected to light duty.The Service Interval Indicator consists of amileage reading, and the inscriptions "OILSERVICE" and "INSPECTION".Whenever the ignition is switched on, thedisplay shows the next scheduled type ofservice and the remaining distance until theservice should be performed. The distance isbased on your driving style.If the maintenance interval has been ex-ceeded, a "-" symbol reminds you of theurgent need for servicing. In the interests ofroad safety and reliability, you should avoiddriving your BMW when the "-" symbol isshowing, and have the essential maintenancework performed without delay.After each maintenance is performed theservice indicator is reset in order to computethe next service interval.If the Service Interval Indicator displays anillogical reading, or if there is no display,consult a BMW center.If the speedometer, tachometer or coolanttemperature gauge should develop a fault, theservice interval indicator will probably cease tooperate correctly as well, since it depends oncorrect speed, distance and temperaturereadings. The fault must be located andrectified by a BMW center.A detailed list of all maintenance operationsincluded in each of the elements of the BMWMaintenance System is found on pages 4-8.These elements are as follows:Quality Certification I will be performed by yourselling center and certified on the followingpage.The performance of certain subsequentmaintenance elements, as required by theBMW New Vehicle Limited Warranty, will bespecified at intervals computed by the BMWservice interval indicator as follows:- Oil Service: Engine oil changed with theengine at operating temperature.Note: change oil at least once a year.2
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