Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全248ページ 7.63MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 7.63MB
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248page / 7.63MB
Everything from A to Z232Care204- automatic car washes 204- care products204- carpets206- CD/DVD drives207- chrome parts206- displays207- exterior204- fine wood parts207- headlamps205- high-pressure washer 205- interior206- leather206- light-alloy wheels 206- paintwork205- plastic parts207- retractable hardtop 205- rubber seals206- safety belts207- sensors and cameras 207- upholstery and cloth trim206- washing the car manually205- windows205Cargo, securing114Cargo bay- capacity222- convenient access 35- lamp, refer to Interior lamps90- opening from inside 33- opening from outside 33Cargo loading- securing cargo114- stowing cargo114- vehicle113Car jack- jacking points211Car key, refer to Integrated key/remote control 28Car phone- installation location, refer to Center armrest102- refer to separate Owner's ManualCar phone, refer to Telephone164Car radio, refer to Radio 141Car shampoo207Car wash113- with convenient access 36Car wash, refer to the Caring for your vehicle brochureCatalytic converter, refer to Hot exhaust system 111CBS Condition Based Service202CD, audio playback 146CD/DVD changer146- controls138- fast forward/reverse 148- random sequence 147- switching on/off 138- tone control138- volume138CD/DVD player146- controls138- fast forward/reverse 148- random sequence 147- switching on/off 138- tone control138- volume138CD changer- selecting a track 146CD player- selecting a track 146Center armrest102Center brake lamp- replacing bulb211Center console, refer to Around the center console14Central locking- from inside32- from outside29Central locking system 29- convenient access 35- setting unlocking characteristics29Changes, technical, refer to For your own safety 5Changing bulbs, refer to Lamps and bulbs208Changing the measurement units on the Control Display68Changing wheels211Chassis number, refer to Engine compartment 198Check Control73Child-restraint systems 48Child seats, refer to Transporting children safely48Chrome parts207Chrome polish207Cigarette lighter, refer to Lighter104Cleaning headlamps 60- washer fluid61Cleaning your BMW, refer to Care204Clock64- 12h/24h mode72- setting the time and date 72- setting time71Closing- from inside32- from outside29Cockpit10Cold start, refer to Starting the engine51Combined instrument, refer to Instrument cluster 12Comfort access, refer to Convenient access 35Comfort area, refer to Around the center console 14Compartment for remote control, refer to Ignition lock50Compass100Computer65- displays on Control Display66Computer, refer to iDrive 16Concierge service179Condensation, refer to When the vehicle is parked 112Condition Based Service CBS202Configuring settings, refer to Personal Profile28Confirmation signals for locking/unlocking the vehicle31
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