Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全248ページ 7.63MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 7.63MB
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248page / 7.63MB
Everything under control70Possible displays1Button for selecting functions2Service requirements3Engine oil4Roadworthiness test*5Front brake pads6Rear brake pads7Brake fluidThe sequence of displayed service items may vary. The data for the ne xt service appointment is shown first.More informationDetailed information on service requirementsMore information on the scope of service required can be disp layed on the Control Display.iDrive, for operating pr inciple refer to page 16.1."Vehicle Info"2."Vehicle status"3."Service required"Required maintenance procedures and legally mandated inspections are displayed.You can request more detailed information on every entry:Select the entry and press the controller.To exit from the menu:Move the controller to the left.SymbolsNo service is currently required.The deadline for servic e or a legally man-dated inspection is approaching. Please schedule a service appointment.The service deadline has already passed.
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