Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全248ページ 7.63MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 7.63MB
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248page / 7.63MB
Technology for driving comfort and safety823.In the event of complete tire pressure loss, 0 psi/0 kPa, you can estimate the possible distance for continued driving on the basis of the following guidelines:>With a light load: 1 person without luggage: approx. 155 miles/250 km>With a medium load: 1 person, cargo bay full, or 2 people without luggage: approx. 90 miles/150 km>With a full load: 2 people, cargo bay full: approx. 30 miles/50 kmDrive cautiously and do not exceed a speed of 50 mph or 80 km/h, otherwise there is a risk of an accident. In the event of pressure loss, vehicle handling changes. This includes reduced tracking stability in braking, extended braking distance and altered natural steering characteristics. If unusual vibration or lo ud noises occur during the journey, this may be an indication that the damaged tire has finally failed. Reduce your speed and pull over as soon as possible at a suitable location. Otherw ise parts of the tire could come loose, resulting in an accident. Do not continue driving. Instead, contact your BMW center.<Status display1."Vehicle Info"2."Vehicle status"3."Flat Tire Monitor"The status is displayed.Tire Pressure Monitor TPM*The conceptTPM checks the inflation pressures of the four mounted tires. The system notifies you if there is a significant loss of pressure in one or more tires.Functional requirementIn order to assure the re liable reporting of a flat tire, the system must be reset while all tire infla-tion pressures are correct.Always use wheels with TPM electronics. Oth-erwise, the system may malfunction.Each time a tire inflation pressure has been corrected or a wheel or tire has been changed, reset the system. <System limitationsTPM cannot warn you in advance of sud-den severe tire damage caused by out-side influences.<The system does not work correctly if it has not been reset; for example, a flat tire may be indi-cated even though the tire inflation pressures are correct.The system is inactive and cannot indicate a flat tire if a wheel without TP M electronics, such as a compact spare wheel, has been mounted, or if TPM is temporarily malfunctioning due to other systems or devices using the same radio fre-quency.Status indicator on the Control DisplayThe color of the tires represents the status of the tires and the system.TPM takes into account that tire pressures change while the vehicl e is being driven. The tire pressures do not need to be corrected unless the TPM instructs you to do so by means of color indicators.
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