Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全248ページ 7.63MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 7.63MB
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248page / 7.63MB
Opening and closing28Opening and closingRemote controlEach remote control contains a rechargeable battery that is automati cally recharged when it is in the ignition lock while the car is being driven. Use each remote control at least twice a year for longer road trips in order to maintain the batteries' charge status. In cars with convenient access*, the remote control contains a replace-able battery, refer to page 36.The settings called up and implemented when the car is unlocked depend on which remote control is used to unlock the car, refer to Per-sonal Profile, next column.In addition, informatio n about service require-ments is stored in the re mote control, refer to Service data in the remote control, page 202.Integrated keyPress button1 to release the key.The integrated key fits the following locks:>Glove compartment, refer to page 101>Driver's door, refer to page 31New remote controlsYour BMW center can supply new remote con-trols with integrated keys as additional units or as replacements in the event of loss.Personal ProfileThe conceptYou can set many of yo ur BMW's functions to suit your personal needs and preferences. Without any action on your part, Personal Pro-file ensures that most of these settings are stored for the remote control currently in use. When you unlock the ca r, the remote control used for the purpose is recognized and the set-tings stored for it are called up and imple-mented.This means that your pe rsonal settings will be activated for you, even if in the meantime your car was used by someone else with another remote control and the corresponding settings. The individual settings are stored for a maxi-mum of four remote cont rols. They are stored for two remote controls if convenient access* is in use.Personal Profile settingsFor more information on specific settings, refer to the specified pages.>Assignment of programmable memory keys, refer to page 21>Response of the central locking system when the car is unlocked, refer to page 29>Automatic locking of the vehicle, refer to page32>Automatic call-up* of the driver's seat posi-tion after unlocking, refer to page 43>Triple turn signal activation, refer to page59
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