Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全248ページ 7.63MB]
gizport - 2013-09-07 - 7.63MB
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248page / 7.63MB
Destination entry120>To delete all letters:Select the symbol and press the controller for a lengthy period.>To enter spaces:Select the symbol.The list gradually grow s smaller each time you enter a new letter.2.Move the controller to the right.3.Select the name of th e town/city from the list. The three destinations stored last are displayed.If there are several towns/cities with the same name:1.Change to the list of town/city names.2.Highlight the town/city: a preview map is displayed.3.Select the town/city.Entering the postal code1.Select "Town/City/Postal Code" or the dis-played town/city.2.Select the symbol.3.Select the digits.4.Change to the list of postal codes and towns/cities.5.Highlight the postal code. A preview map is displayed in the assistance window.6.Select the postal code.Entering street and intersection1.Select "Street" or the displayed street.2.Enter a street and intersection as you would the town/city.After the street you can also enter the intersec-tion or the house number.If there are several streets with the same name:1.Change to the list of street names.2.Highlight the street: a preview map is dis-played.3.Select the street.Entering a street without a destination town/city*You can also enter a street without specifying a town/city. In this case, all streets of the same name in the designated state/province are offered. The correspond ing town/city is dis-played after the street name.If a town/city has already been entered, you can negate this entry. This could be helpful in instances where the desired street does not exist in the entered town/city because it belongs to another suburb, for example.1."Navigation"2."Enter address"3.Select "Street" or the displayed street.4.Change to the list of street names.5."Find streets in" the state/province cur-rently displayed.6.Select the letters.7.Change to the list of street names.8.Highlight the street. A preview map is dis-played in the assistance window.9.Select the street.Entering a house numberYou can enter any house number stored in the navigation data for the street.1."House number"2.Select the digits.3.Change to the list of house numbers.4.Select a house number or range of house numbers.
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