シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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2-88Here are four things that some owners ask about. Noneof these show a problem with your fuel gage:At the gas station, the gas pump shuts off before thegage reads full.It takes a little more or less fuel to fill up than thegage indicated. For example, the gage may haveindicated the tank was half full, but it actually took alittle more or less than half the tank's capacity to fillthe tank.The gage moves a little when you turn a corner orspeed up.The gage doesn't go back to empty when you turnoff the ignition.Low Fuel LightUnited States CanadaThe light next to the fuel gage will come on brieflywhen you are starting the engine.This light comes on when the fuel tank is low on fuel.To turn it off, add fuel to the fuel tank. See "Fuel" in the Index.
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