シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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2-5This vehicle has onedouble-sided key for theignition and door locks. Itwill fit with either side up.When a new vehicle is delivered, the dealer provides the owner with a pair of identical keys and a key code number.The key code number tells your dealer or a qualifiedlocksmith how to make extra keys. Keep this number ina safe place. If you lose your keys, you'll be able to havenew ones made easily using this number. Your sellingdealer should also have this number.NOTICE:Your vehicle has a number of new features thatcan help prevent theft. But you can have a lot oftrouble getting into your vehicle if you ever lockyour key inside. You may even have to damageyour vehicle to get in. So be sure you have anextra key.If you ever do get locked out of your vehicle, call theGM Roadside Assistance Center. See "RoadsideAssistance" in the Index.
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