シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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2-12Matching Transmitter(s) to Your VehicleEach remote keyless entry transmitter is coded toprevent another transmitter from unlocking your vehicle.If a transmitter is lost or stolen, a replacement can bepurchased through your dealer. Remember to bring anyremaining transmitters with you when you go to yourdealer. When the dealer matches the replacementtransmitter to your vehicle, any remaining transmittersmust also be matched. Once your dealer has coded thenew transmitter, the lost transmitter will not unlock yourvehicle. Each vehicle can have only four transmittersmatched to it.Battery ReplacementUnder normal use, the battery in your remote keylessentry transmitter should last about two years.You can tell the battery is weak if the transmitter won'twork at the normal range in any location. If you have toget close to your vehicle before the transmitter works,it's probably time to change the battery.The Driver Information Center (DIC) will display a RFA # BATTERY LOW message when the transmitterbattery is low.NOTICE:When replacing the battery, use care not to touchany of the circuitry. Static from your bodytransferred to these surfaces may damage the transmitter.
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