シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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1-48Securing a Child Restraint in a RearOutside Seat PositionYou'll be using the lap -shoulder belt. See the earlier part about the top strap if the child restraint has one. Be sure to follow the instructions that came with thechild restraint. Secure the child in the child restraintwhen and as the instructions say.1. Put the restraint on the seat.2. Pick up the latch plate, and run the lap and shoulderportions of the vehicle's safety belt through oraround the restraint. The child restraint instructionswill show you how.If the shoulder belt goes in front of the child's face orneck, put it behind the child restraint.3. Buckle the belt. Make sure the release button ispositioned so you would be able to unbuckle thesafety belt quickly if you ever had to.
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