シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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6-46Tire ChainsCAUTION:Don't use tire chains. There's not enoughclearance. Tire chains used on a vehicle withoutthe proper amount of clearance can causedamage to the brakes, suspension or other vehicleparts. The area damaged by the tire chains could cause you to lose control of your vehicleand you or others may be injured in a crash.Use another type of traction device only if itsmanufacturer recommends it for use on yourvehicle and tire size combination and roadconditions. Follow that manufacturer'sinstructions. To help avoid damage to yourvehicle, drive slowly, readjust or remove thedevice if it's contacting your vehicle, and don'tspin your wheels.Appearance CareRemember, cleaning products can be hazardous. Someare toxic. Others can burst into flame if you strike amatch or get them on a hot part of the vehicle. Some aredangerous if you breathe their fumes in a closed space.When you use anything from a container to clean yourvehicle, be sure to follow the manufacturer's warningsand instructions. And always open your doors orwindows when you're cleaning the inside.Never use these to clean your vehicle:GasolineBenzeneNaphthaCarbon TetrachlorideAcetonePaint ThinnerTurpentineLacquer ThinnerNail Polish RemoverThey can all be hazardous -- some more than others -- and they can all damage your vehicle, too.
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