シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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1-31Servicing Your Air Bag-Equipped VehicleAir bags affect how your vehicle should be serviced.There are parts of the air bag systems in several placesaround your vehicle. Your dealer and the service manualhave information about servicing your vehicle and theair bag systems. To purchase a service manual, see"Service and Owner Publications" in the Index.CAUTION:For up to 10 seconds after the ignition key isturned off and the battery is disconnected, an air bag can still inflate during improper service.You can be injured if you are close to an air bagwhen it inflates. Avoid yellow connectors. Theyare probably part of the air bag systems. Be sureto follow proper service procedures, and makesure the person performing work for you isqualified to do so.The air bag systems do not need regular maintenance.Rear Seat PassengersIt's very important for rear seat passengers to buckle up!Accident statistics show that unbelted people in the rearseat are hurt more often in crashes than those who arewearing safety belts.Rear passengers who aren't safety belted can be thrownout of the vehicle in a crash. And they can strike othersin the vehicle who are wearing safety belts.Rear Seat Passenger Positions
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