シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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2-32Leaving Your Vehicle With the Engine RunningCAUTION:It can be dangerous to leave your vehicle with theengine running. Your vehicle could movesuddenly if the shift lever is not fully in PARK (P)with the parking brake firmly set. If you havefour-wheel drive, your vehicle will be free to roll -- even if your shift lever is in PARK (P) -- ifyour transfer case is in NEUTRAL. So be surethe transfer case is in a drive gear -- not inNEUTRAL. See "Four-Wheel Drive (AutomaticTransfer Case)" in the Index. And, if you leavethe vehicle with the engine running, it couldoverheat and even catch fire. You or others couldbe injured. Don't leave your vehicle with theengine running unless you have to.If you have to leave your vehicle with the enginerunning, be sure your vehicle is in PARK (P) and yourparking brake is firmly set before you leave it. Afteryou've moved the shift lever into PARK (P), hold theregular brake pedal down. Then, see if you can move theshift lever away from PARK (P) without first pulling ittoward you (or pressing the button on a console shiftlever). If you can, it means that the shift lever wasn'tfully locked into PARK (P).Torque LockIf you are parking on a hill and you don't shift yourtransmission into PARK (P) properly, the weight of thevehicle may put too much force on the parking pawl inthe transmission. You may find it difficult to pull theshift lever out of PARK (P). This is called "torque lock."To prevent torque lock, set the parking brake and thenshift into PARK (P) properly before you leave thedriver's seat. To find out how, see "Shifting IntoPARK (P)" in the Index.When you are ready to drive, move the shift lever out ofPARK (P) before you release the parking brake.If torque lock does occur, you may need to have anothervehicle push yours a little uphill to take some of thepressure from the parking pawl in the transmission, soyou can pull the shift lever out of PARK (P).
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