シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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2-39Windshield Wipers: Mist :You control the windshield wipers by turning the bandwith the wiper symbol on it.For a single wiping cycle, turn the band to mist. Hold itthere until the wipers start. Then let go. The wipers willstop after one wipe. If you want more wipes, hold theband on mist longer.You can set the wiper speed for a long or short delaybetween wipes. This can be very useful in light rain orsnow. Turn the band to choose the delay time. Thecloser to the top of the lever, the shorter the delay.For steady wiping at low speed, turn the band awayfrom you to the first solid band past the delay settings.For high-speed wiping, turn the band further, to thesecond solid band past the delay settings. To stop thewipers, move the band to off.Be sure to clear ice and snow from the wiper bladesbefore using them. If they're frozen to the windshield,carefully loosen or thaw them. If your blades do becomeworn or damaged, get new blades or blade inserts.Rainsense Wipers (If Equipped)Your vehicle may be equipped with Rainsensewindshield wipers. When active, these wipers are able todetect moisture on the windshield and automatically turnon the wipers.The moisture sensor is located next to the insiderearview mirror and is mounted on the windshield.To turn on the Rainsense feature, the wipers must be setto one of the five delay settings on the multifunctionlever. Each of the five settings adjusts the sensitivity ofthe rainsensor. For more wipes, select the highersettings; for fewer wipes, select the lower settingslocated closer to off on the multifunction lever.The rainsensor will automatically control the frequencyof the wipes from off to high speed according to theweather conditions. The wipers can be left in a rainsensemode even when it is not raining.NOTICE:Turn the multifunction lever to off to avoid wiper damage when going through an automaticcar wash.
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