シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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2-58Cargo Security Shade (If Equipped)If your vehicle has a cargo cover, you can use it to coveritems in the cargo area of your vehicle.To install the cargo cover, do the following:1. Align the endcap with the pocket in the trim panellocated behind the rear seat.2. Compress the opposite endcap, align it with thepocket located on the opposite side of the trim paneland release.3. Grasp the handle and unroll the cover. Latch theposts into the sockets on the inside of the vehicle tosecure it.To remove the cargo cover, do the following:1. Release the cover from the latch posts and carefullyroll it back up.2. Compress one endcap and remove it from the pocketin the trim panel.3. Remove the cargo cover from the other endcap sothat you can remove the shade from the vehicle.CAUTION:An improperly stored cargo cover could bethrown about the vehicle during a collision orsudden maneuver. You or others could beinjured. If you remove the cover, always store itoutside of the vehicle. When you put it back,always be sure that it is securely reattached.
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