シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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2-683. When the HomeLink indicator light begins to blinkslowly (this may take up to 30 seconds), hold thehand-held transmitter about 1 to 3 inches (3 to 8 cm)away from HomeLink and then press and hold thetransmit button on the hand-held transmitter.Continue to hold both buttons until the indicatorlight on HomeLink begins to flash rapidly (this maytake up to 90 seconds).If you have trouble programming HomeLink, make sure that you have followed the directions exactly asdescribed and that the battery in the hand-heldtransmitter is not weak. If you still cannot program it,move the hand-held transmitter to the left or right orforward or backward or flip it upside down. HomeLinkmay not work with older garage door openers that donot meet current Federal Consumer Safety Standards. If you cannot program the transmitter after repeatedattempts, refer to "Training a Garage Door Opener with Rolling Codes" later in this section or contact themanufacturer of HomeLink at 1-800 -355 -3515, or on the internet at www.homelink.com.Be sure to keep the original hand-held transmitter incase you need to erase and reprogram HomeLink.Training a Garage Door Opener with a"Rolling Code" Feature (If Equipped)If you have not previously programmed the hand -heldtransmitter to HomeLink, see "Programming theHomeLink Transmitter" listed previously. If you havecompleted this programming already, you now need totrain the garage door opener motor head unit torecognize HomeLink.1. Find the "Learn" or "Smart" button on the garagedoor opener motor head unit. The exact location andcolor will vary by garage door opener brand. If youhave difficulty finding the "Learn" or "Smart"button, refer to your garage door opener owner'smanual or contact the manufacturer of HomeLink at1-800 -355 -3515, or on the internet atwww.homelink.com. Because of the steps involved,it may be helpful to have another person assist inprogramming the transmitter.2. Press the "Learn" or "Smart" button on the garagedoor opener motor head unit. An indicator light willbegin to flash when the motor head unit enters thetraining mode.Following this step, you have 30 seconds to start Step 3.
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