シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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2-76Charging System Indicator LightThe charging system lightwill come on briefly whenyou turn on the ignition, but the engine is notrunning, as a check to showyou it is working.It should go out once the engine is running. If it stayson, or comes on while you are driving, you may have a problem with the charging system. It could indicate that you have problems with a generator drive belt, oranother electrical problem. Have it checked right away.Driving while this light is on could drain your battery.If you must drive a short distance with the light on, becertain to turn off all your accessories, such as the radioand air conditioner.Voltmeter GageWhen your engine is notrunning, but the ignition is on (in RUN), this gageshows your battery's state of charge in DC volts.When the engine is running, the gage shows thecondition of the charging system. Readings between the low and high warning zones indicate the normaloperating range.
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