シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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2-83Oil Pressure GageUnited States CanadaThe oil pressure gage shows the engine oil pressure inpsi (pounds per square inch) when the engine is running.Canadian vehicles indicate pressure in kPa (kilopascals).CAUTION:Don't keep driving if the oil pressure is low. Ifyou do, your engine can become so hot that itcatches fire. You or others could be burned.Check your oil as soon as possible and have yourvehicle serviced.NOTICE:Damage to your engine from neglected oilproblems can be costly and is not covered by your warranty.Oil pressure may vary with engine speed, outsidetemperature and oil viscosity, but readings above thelow pressure zone indicate the normal operating range.A reading in the low pressure zone may be caused by adangerously low oil level or other problems causing lowoil pressure.
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