シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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2-94Automatic UnlockingPress the personalization button until AUTOMATICUNLOCKING appears in the display. To select yourpersonalization for automatic unlocking, press the selectbutton while AUTOMATIC UNLOCKING is displayedon the DIC. Pressing the select button will scrollthrough the following choices:UNLOCK ALL IN PARK (default)UNLOCK ALL AT KEY OUTUNLOCK DOORS MANUALLYUNLOCK DRIVER IN PARKIf you choose for all the doors to unlock in park, all of the doors will unlock when the vehicle is shiftedinto PARK (P).If you choose for all the doors to unlock at key out,all of the doors will unlock when the key is taken out of the ignition.If you choose for the doors to unlock manually, thedoors will not be unlocked automatically.If you choose for the driver's door to unlock in park, thedriver's door will be unlocked when the vehicle isshifted into PARK (P).Choose one of the four options and press thepersonalization button while it is displayed on the DICto select it and move on to the next feature. For moreinformation on automatic door locks see "ProgrammableAutomatic Door Locks" in the Index.Seat Position Recall (If Equipped)Press the personalization button until SEAT POSITIONRECALL appears in the display. To select yourpersonalization for seat position recall, press the selectbutton while SEAT POSITION RECALL is displayedon the DIC. Pressing the select button will scrollthrough the following choices:SEAT POSITION RECALL OFF (default)SEAT POSITION RECALL AT KEY INSEAT POSITION RECALL ON REMOTEIf you choose seat recall off, the memory seat positionyou saved will not be recalled.If you choose seat recall at key in, the memory seatposition you saved will be recalled when you put the keyin the ignition.If you choose seat recall on remote, the memory seatposition you saved will be recalled when you unlock thevehicle with the remote keyless entry transmitter.
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