シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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2-98Choose one of the four options and press thepersonalization button while it is displayed on the DICto select it and move on to the next feature. For moreinformation on tilt mirror in reverse see "Curb ViewAssist Mirror" in the Index.Easy Exit Seat (If Equipped)Press the personalization button until EASY EXITSEAT appears in the display. To select yourpersonalization for seat position exit, press the selectbutton while SEAT POSITION EXIT is displayed on theDIC. Pressing the select button will scroll through thefollowing choices:SEAT POSITION EXIT OFF (default)SEAT POSITION EXIT ONIf you choose for the easy exit seat feature to be on, thedriver's seat will move all of the way rearward when thevehicle is turned off. If you choose for this feature to beoff, no seat exit recall will occur.Choose one of the two options and press thepersonalization button while it is displayed on the DICto select it and move on to the next feature. For moreinformation on seat position exit see "Memory Seat andMirrors" in the Index.Display Units (ENG/MET)Press the personalization button until DISPLAY UNITSappears in the display. To select English or metric, pressthe select button while DISPLAY UNITS is displayedon the DIC. Pressing the select button will scrollthrough the following choices:UNITS: ENGLISHUNITS: METRIC KM/LUNITS: METRIC L/100KMIf you choose English, all information will be displayedin English units. For example, distance in miles and fueleconomy in miles per gallon.If you choose metric KM/L, all information will bedisplayed in metric units. For example, distance inkilometers and fuel economy in KM/L.If you choose metric L/100KM, all information will bedisplayed in metric units. For example, distance inkilometers and fuel economy in L/100KM.Choose one of the three options and press thepersonalization button while it is displayed on the DICto select it and end out of the personalization options.
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