シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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2-101SERVICE AIR BAGIf there is a problem with the air bag system thismessage will be displayed on the DIC. Have a qualifiedtechnician inspect the system for problems. Pressing theselect button will acknowledge this message and clear itfrom the DIC display.SERVICE BRAKE SYSTEMIf a problem occurs with the brake system this messagewill appear on the DIC. If this message appears, stop assoon as possible and turn off the vehicle. Restart thevehicle and check for the message on the DIC display. If the message is still displayed, or appears again whenyou begin driving, the brake system needs service.TURN SIGNAL ONIf a turn signal is left on for 3/4 of a mile (1.2 km) thismessage will appear on the display and you will hear achime. Move the turn signal/multifunction lever to theoff position. Pressing the select button will acknowledgethis message and clear it from the DIC display.REAR ACCESS OPENIf the liftgate or liftglass is open while the ignition is inRUN, this message will appear on the DIC and you will hear a chime. Turn off the vehicle and check theliftgate and liftglass. Restart the vehicle and check forthe message on the DIC display. Pressing the selectbutton will acknowledge this message and clear it fromthe DIC display.FUEL LEVEL LOWIf the fuel level is low in the vehicle's gas tank thismessage will appear on the DIC and you will hear achime. Refuel as soon as possible. Pressing the selectbutton will acknowledge this message and clear it fromthe DIC display.CHANGE TRANS FLUIDIf this message appears on the DIC it is time to changethe transmission fluid. Take you vehicle in for service as soon as possible. Pressing the select button willacknowledge this message and clear it from the DIC display.
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