シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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3-6Automatic OperationPress the AUTO button to set the system toautomatically control the air delivery mode, fan speed,air temperature and recirculation operations. Wheneveryou press AUTO, the display will change to show thecurrent driver's set temperature, automatic air deliverymode and fan speed. Press the AUTO button againwithin five seconds and the display will show thepassenger's set temperature. After five seconds thedisplay will change to the EXT (external) temperatureoutside the vehicle.When AUTO is selected, the air conditioning operationand air inlet will be automatically controlled. The airconditioning compressor will run when outsidetemperature is over approximately 40 F (4C). The air inlet will normally be set to outside air. If it's hot outside, the air inlet will automatically switch to recirculated inside air to help quickly cool down your vehicle.To find your comfort setting, start with a 74 F (23C)temperature setting and allow about 20 minutes for thesystem to regulate. Turn the driver's or passenger's sidetemperature knob clockwise or counterclockwise toadjust the temperature setting as necessary. If youchoose the temperature setting of 60 F (15C), thesystem will remain at the maximum cooling setting andfan speed. If you choose the temperature setting of 90 F(32C), the system will remain at the maximum heatsetting and fan speed. Choosing either maximum settingwill not cause the system to heat or cool any faster.Be careful not to cover the sensor located on the top ofthe instrument panel near the windshield. This sensorregulates air temperature based on sun load, and alsoturns on your headlamps.The EXT (exterior) temperature sensor is located in thefront of the vehicle behind the grille. The displayedtemperature is most accurate after the vehicle has beenmoving for a few minutes. If the vehicle is stopped andthen restarted within 2 1/2 hours, the sensor will be hotfrom the engine heat. In this case, the temperature firstdisplayed will continue to be the temperature that wasdisplayed before the vehicle was turned off. The displaywill update after the vehicle has been moving for a fewminutes and the sensor has a chance to cool down to theactual temperature.To avoid blowing cold air in cold weather, the systemwill delay turning on the fan until warm air is available.The length of delay depends on the engine coolanttemperature. Pressing the fan switch will override thisdelay and change the fan to a selected speed.
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