シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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3-28RDS features are only available on FM stations whichbroadcast RDS information. The RDS features of yourradio rely on receiving specific RDS information fromthese stations. These features will only work when theRDS information is available. In rare cases, a radiostation may broadcast incorrect information that willcause the radio features to work improperly. If thishappens, please contact the radio station.When you are tuned to an RDS station, the station namewill appear on the display, instead of the frequency.Most RDS stations provide their station name, the timeof day and a Program Type (PTY) for their currentprogramming. Some stations also provide the name ofthe current program.TUNE DISP: Press this control to change what appearson the display while using RDS. Pressing this controlwill also display an RDS station frequency or programtype when the radio is on. The display options arestation name, station frequency, PTY and the name ofthe program (if available). Pressing and holding thiscontrol will activate the RDS default display.Accessing RDSTo access RDS stations perform the following steps:1. Push the SEEK TYPE button or turn the P-TYPELIST AUDIO control to display the program type list.2. Turn the control either clockwise orcounterclockwise to select a program type. The list is alphabetical. If you select ANY TYPE your radiowill seek to the first PTY available.3. Push the SEEK TYPE button to activate search.VOL PWR: Turn this control clockwise to increasevolume when RDS interrupts regular play. Turn itcounterclockwise to decrease volume.P-TYPE LIST AUDIO: Turn this control clockwise or counterclockwise to select the Program Type (PTY)you want to listen to. TYPE and a PTY will appear onthe display. Press the SEEK TYPE button and the radiowill seek to the first RDS broadcaster of the selectedprogram type. If the radio cannot find the desiredprogram type, NONE will appear on the display and theradio will return to the last station you were listening to.
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