シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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3-39When a traffic announcement comes on the tuned radiostation, you will hear it, even if the volume is muted or acassette tape or compact disc is playing. The TRAF iconand TRAFFIC will appear on the display while thetraffic announcement plays. If the cassette tape orcompact disc player was being used, the tape or compactdisc will stay in the player and resume play at the pointwhere it stopped.Playing a Cassette TapeYour tape player is built to work best with tapes that areup to 30 to 45 minutes long on each side. Tapes longerthan that are so thin they may not work well in thisplayer. The longer side with the tape visible should faceto the right. If the ignition is on, but the radio is off, thetape can be inserted and will begin playing. A tapesymbol is shown on the display whenever a tape isinserted. If you hear nothing but a garbled sound, thetape may not be in squarely. Press EJT to remove thetape and start over.While the tape is playing, use the volume, fade, balance,treble, bass, and seek controls just as you do for theradio. The display will show TAPE and an arrowshowing which side of the tape is playing.If you want to insert a tape when the ignition is off, firstpress EJT or DISP.If an error appears on the display, see "Cassette TapeMessages" later in this section.1 PREV: Press this button or the left SEEK PSCANarrow to go to the previous selection on the tape if theselection has been playing for less than three seconds. If the 1 PREV button or the left SEEK PSCAN arrow ispressed and the current selection has been playing formore than 13 seconds, it will go to the beginning of thecurrent selection. If the 1 PREV button or the left SEEKPSCAN arrow is pressed and the current selection hasbeen playing from 3 to 13 seconds, it will go to thebeginning of the previous selection or the beginning ofthe current selection, depending upon the position on thetape. SEEK and a "-1" will appear on the display whilethe cassette player is in the previous mode. If 1 PREV orthe left SEEK PSCAN arrow is pressed additional timesor held, the radio will go to the displayed number ofprevious selections up to "9". SEEK and a negativenumber will appear on the display. Your tape must have at least three seconds of silence between eachselection for previous to work. The sound will mutewhile seeking.
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