シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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3-50Playing a Compact DiscLOAD CD: Press this button to load CDs into thecompact disc player. This compact disc player willaccommodate up to six discs.To insert one disc do the following:1. Turn the ignition on.2. Press and release the LOAD CD button.3. Wait for the light, located to the right of the slot, toturn green.4. Load a disc. Insert a disc partway into the slot, labelside up. The player will pull the disc in.When the disc is inserted, the CD symbol will bedisplayed. If you select an EQ setting for your disc,it will be activated each time you play a disc.If the radio is on or off, the disc will begin to play automatically.To insert multiple discs do the following:1. Turn the ignition on.2. Press and hold the LOAD CD button for two seconds.You will then hear a beep and the light, located to theright of the slot, will begin to flash.3. Once the light stops flashing and turns green, load adisc. Insert a disc partway into the slot, label side up.The player will pull the disc in.Once the disc is loaded, the light will begin flashingagain. Once the light stops flashing and turns greenyou can then load another disc. The disc player takesup to six discs. Do not try to load more than six.When a disc is inserted, the CD symbol will bedisplayed. If more than one disc has been loaded, anumber for each disc will be displayed. If you selectan EQ setting for your disc, it will be activated eachtime you play a disc.If the radio is on or off, the last disc loaded willbegin to play automatically.4. To load more than one disc but less than six,complete Steps 1, 2 and 3. When you have finishedloading discs, with the radio on or off, press theLOAD CD button to cancel the loading function.The radio will begin to play the last CD loaded.As each new track starts to play, the track number willappear on the display.
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