シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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4-8Here's how anti -lock works. Let's say the road is wet.You're driving safely. Suddenly an animal jumps out infront of you.You slam on the brakes and continue braking. Here's what happens with ABS.A computer senses that wheels are slowing down. If oneof the wheels is about to stop rolling, the computer willseparately work the brakes at each front wheel and atboth rear wheels.The anti-lock system can change the brake pressure fasterthan any driver could. The computer is programmed tomake the most of available tire and road conditions. This can help you steer around the obstacle while braking hard.As you brake, your computer keeps receiving updates onwheel speed and controls braking pressure accordingly.
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