シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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4-31Driving at NightNight driving is more dangerous than day driving. One reason is that some drivers are likely to be impaired -- by alcohol or drugs, with night visionproblems, or by fatigue.Here are some tips on night driving.Drive defensively.Don't drink and drive.Since you can't see as well, you may need to slow down and keep more space between you and other vehicles.Slow down, especially on higher speed roads. Yourheadlamps can light up only so much road ahead.In remote areas, watch for animals.If you're tired, pull off the road in a safe place and rest.No one can see as well at night as in the daytime. But aswe get older these differences increase. A 50-year -olddriver may require at least twice as much light to see thesame thing at night as a 20-year -old.
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