シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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4-45Then, shut the engine off and close the window almostall the way to preserve the heat. Start the engine againand repeat this only when you feel really uncomfortablefrom the cold. But do it as little as possible. Preserve thefuel as long as you can. To help keep warm, you can getout of the vehicle and do some fairly vigorous exercisesevery half hour or so until help comes.Recreational Vehicle TowingRecreational vehicle towing means towing your vehiclebehind another vehicle -- such as behind a motorhome.The two most common types of recreational vehicletowing are known as "dinghy towing" (towing yourvehicle with all four wheels on the ground) and "dollytowing" (towing your vehicle with two wheels on the ground and two wheels up on a device know as a "dolly").With the proper preparation and equipment, manyvehicles can be towed in these ways. See "DinghyTowing" and "Dolly Towing," following.Here are some important things to consider before youdo recreational vehicle towing:What's the towing capacity of the towing vehicle? Be sure you read the tow vehiclemanufacturer's recommendations.How far will you tow? Some vehicles have restrictionson how far and how long they can tow.Do you have the proper towing equipment? See yourdealer or trailering professional for additional adviceand equipment recommendations.Is your vehicle ready to be towed? Just as you wouldprepare your vehicle for a long trip, you'll want tomake sure your vehicle is prepared to be towed. See "Before Leaving on a Long Trip" in the Index.
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