シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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6-32NOTICE:Using the wrong fluid can badly damagebrake system parts. For example, just a fewdrops of mineral-based oil, such as engineoil, in your brake system can damage brakesystem parts so badly that they'll have to bereplaced. Don't let someone put in thewrong kind of fluid.If you spill brake fluid on your vehicle'spainted surfaces, the paint finish can bedamaged. Be careful not to spill brake fluidon your vehicle. If you do, wash it offimmediately. See "Appearance Care" in the Index.Brake WearYour vehicle has four -wheel disc brakes.Disc brake pads have built-in wear indicators that make a high-pitched warning sound when the brake pads areworn and new pads are needed. The sound may come and go or be heard all the time your vehicle is moving(except when you are pushing on the brake pedal firmly).CAUTION:The brake wear warning sound means that soonyour brakes won't work well. That could lead toan accident. When you hear the brake wearwarning sound, have your vehicle serviced.NOTICE:Continuing to drive with worn -out brake padscould result in costly brake repair.
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