シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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6-57Fuses and Circuit BreakersThe wiring circuits in your vehicle are protected fromshort circuits by a combination of fuses and circuitbreakers. This greatly reduces the chance of fires caused by electrical problems.Look at the silver-colored band inside the fuse. If the bandis broken or melted, replace the fuse. Be sure you replacea bad fuse with a new one of the identical size and rating.If you ever have a problem on the road and don't have a spare fuse, you can borrow one that has the sameamperage. Just pick some feature of your vehicle thatyou can get along without -- like the radio or cigarettelighter -- and use its fuse, if it is the correct amperage.Replace it as soon as you can.Engine Compartment Fuse BlockThe fuse block is located under the hood in the engine compartment on the driver's side of the vehicle.See "Engine Compartment Overview" in the Index formore information on location.Remove the cover by turning the fastenercounterclockwise. To reinstall the fuse panel cover, push in and turn the fastener clockwise.
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