シボレートレイルブレイザーの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全432ページ 2.90MB]
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Scheduled Maintenance7-1030,000 Miles (50 000 km)Check rear/front axle fluid level and add fluid as needed. Check constantvelocity joints and axle seals for leaking.Rotate tires. See "Tire Inspection and Rotation" in the Index for properrotation pattern and additional information. (See footnote +.) Replace fuel filter. An Emission Control Service. (See footnote .)37,500 Miles (62 500 km)Check rear/front axle fluid level and add fluid as needed. Check constantvelocity joints and axle seals for leaking.Rotate tires. See "Tire Inspection and Rotation" in the Index for properrotation pattern and additional information. (See footnote +.)45,000 Miles (75 000 km)Check rear/front axle fluid level and add fluid as needed. Check constantvelocity joints and axle seals for leaking.Rotate tires. See "Tire Inspection and Rotation" in the Index for properrotation pattern and additional information. (See footnote +.) ACTUALSERVICED BY:MILEAGEDATEACTUALSERVICED BY:MILEAGEDATEACTUALSERVICED BY:MILEAGEDATE
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