DiMAGE 7の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全108ページ 4.29MB]
gizport - 2013-10-06
http://www.kenko-tokina.co.jp/.../d7j0.pdf - 4.29MB
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108page / 4.29MB
Minolta Co., Ltd.9229-2773-21 P-B108Minolta DiMAGE 7 / DiMAGE 5NOTE ABOUT BATTERIESNi-MH batteries are recommended for digital cam-eras. Recording performance with 1,600mAh Ni-MH batteries is approximately 200 frames: basedon Minolta's standard test method: EVF on, LCDmonitor off, no instant playback, flash used with50% of the frames. The number of recordableframes can vary with battery and charger brands,and under differing operating conditions.Although alkaline batteries are supplied with thisproduct, its performance will be limited; only usealkaline batteries for test photographs or when Ni-MH batteries, the Minolta external battery pack orAC adapter are not available. Fully recharge theNi-MH batteries just before using the camera.IBM Microdrives require more power thanCompactFlash cards. Always use Ni-MH batterieswith IBM Microdrives.When using Ni-MH batteries:*Clean both battery terminals with dry cloth to wipeoff any dirt or residue. Because of the sophisticat-ed computer system, the camera critically moni-tors power levels. If the battery terminals are dirty,the camera may give a false low-battery warning.If battery performance is unusually low, wipe thebattery terminals with a clean, dry cloth.*Ni-MH battery performance will decrease if thebatteries are often recharged before they havebeen fully discharged. Completely exhaust the Ni-MH batteries using the camera before charging.
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