CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全66ページ 3.47MB]
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../sec_05-02.pdf - 3.47MB
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5When trouble arises6555-2. Steps to take in an emergencyCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)If the electronic key does not operate properlyLocking and unlocking the doors and key linked functionsUse the mechanical key (→P. 50)in order to perform the followingoperations:Locks all the doorsCloses the windows* (turn andhold)Unlocks the doorTurning the key rearward unlocksthe driver's door. Turning the keyonce again within 3 secondsunlocks the other doors.Opens the windows * (turn andhold)*: These settings must be custom-ized at your Lexus dealer.If communication between the electron ic key and vehicle is interrupted(→P. 70) or the electronic key canno t be used because the battery isdepleted, the smart access system with push-button start and wirelessremote control cannot be used. In such cases, the doors can be opened andthe hybrid system can be started by following the procedure below.
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