CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全66ページ 3.47MB]
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6625-2. Steps to take in an emergencyCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)CAUTION■Avoiding 12-volt battery fires or explosionsObserve the following precautions to prevent accidentally igniting the flammablegas that may be emitted from the 12-volt battery:●Make sure each jumper cable is connecte d to the correct terminal and that it isnot unintentionally in contact with an y other than the intended terminal.●Do not allow the other end of the jumper cable connected to the "+" terminal tocome into contact with any other parts or metal surfaces in the area, such asbrackets or unpainted metal.●Do not allow the + and - clamps of the jumper cables to come into contact witheach other.●Do not smoke, use matches, cigarette lighters or allow open flame near the 12-volt battery.■12-volt battery precautionsThe 12-volt battery contains poisonous and corrosive acidic electrolyte, whilerelated parts contain lead and lead comp ounds. Observe the following precautionswhen handling the 12-volt battery:●When working with the 12-volt battery, always wear safety glasses and take carenot to allow any battery fluids (acid) to co me into contact with skin, clothing or thevehicle body.●Do not lean over the 12-volt battery.●In the event that battery fluid comes into contact with the skin or eyes, immedi-ately wash the affected area with water and seek medical attention.Place a wet sponge or cloth over the affected area until medical attention can bereceived.●Always wash your hands after handling the battery support, terminals, and otherbattery-related parts.●Do not allow children near the 12-volt battery.
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