CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全66ページ 3.47MB]
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../sec_05-02.pdf - 3.47MB
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66page / 3.47MB
5When trouble arises6155-2. Steps to take in an emergencyCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)■If the tire pressure warning system is not functioningThe tire pressure warning system will be disabled in the following conditions:(When the condition becomes normal, the system will work properly.)●If tires not equipped with tire pressure warning valves and transmitters are used●If the ID code on the tire pressure warning valves and transmitters is not regis-tered in the tire pressure warning computer●If the tire inflation pressure is 73 psi (500 kPa, 5.1 kgf/cm2 or bar) or higherThe tire pressure warning system may be disabled in the following conditions:(When the condition becomes normal, the system will work properly.)●If electronic devices or facilities using similar radio wave frequencies are nearby●If a radio set at a similar frequency is in use in the vehicle●If a window tint that affects the radio wave signals is installed●If there is a lot of snow or ice on the vehicle, particularly around the wheels orwheel housings●If non-genuine Lexus wheels are used (Even if you use Lexus wheels, the tirepressure warning system may not work properly with some types of tires.)●If tire chains are used
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