CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全66ページ 3.47MB]
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../sec_05-02.pdf - 3.47MB
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66page / 3.47MB
6145-2. Steps to take in an emergencyCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)■When the tire pressure warning light comes onCheck the tire inflation pressure and adjust to the appropriate level. Pushing the tirepressure warning reset switch will not turn off the tire pressure warning light.■The tire pressure warning light may come on due to natural causesThe tire pressure warning light may come on due to natural causes such as naturalair leaks and tire inflation pressure chan ges caused by temperature. In this case,adjusting the tire inflation pressure will turn off the warning light (after a few min-utes).■When a tire is replaced with a spare tireThe compact spare tire is not equipped with a tire pressure warning valve and trans-mitter. If a tire goes flat, the tire pressure warning light will not turn off even thoughthe flat tire has been replaced with the spare tire. Replace the spare tire with therepaired tire and adjust the tire inflatio n pressure. The tire pressure warning lightwill go off after a few minutes.
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