CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全66ページ 3.47MB]
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6185-2. Steps to take in an emergencyCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)CAUTION■Maintenance of the tiresEach tire, including the spare (if provided ), should be checked monthly when coldand inflated to the inflation pressure re commended by the vehicle manufacturer onthe vehicle placard or tire inflation pressu re label (tire and load information label).(If your vehicle has tires of a different size than the size indicated on the vehicleplacard or tire inflation pressure label [t ire and load information label], you shoulddetermine the proper tire inflation pressure for those tires.)As an added safety feature, your vehicl e has been equipped with a tire pressuremonitoring system (TPMS-tire pressure wa rning system) that illuminates a low tirepressure telltale (tire pressure warning light) when one or more of your tires is sig-nificantly under-inflated. Accordingly, when the low tire pressure telltale (tire pres-sure warning light) illuminates, you should stop and check your tires as soon aspossible, and inflate them to the proper pressure. Driving on a significantly under-inflated tire causes the tire to overheat and can lead to tire failure. Under-inflationalso reduces fuel efficiency and tire tread life, and may affect the vehicle's handlingand stopping ability.Please note that the TPMS (tire pressure warning system) is not a substitute forproper tire maintenance, and it is the driver's responsibility to maintain correct tirepressure, even if under-inflation has not reached the level to trigger illumination ofthe TPMS low tire pressure telltale (tire pressure warning light).Your vehicle has also been equipped with a TPMS (tire pressure warning system)malfunction indicator to indicate when th e system is not operating properly. TheTPMS (tire pressure warning system) malfunction indicator is combined with thelow tire pressure telltale (tire pressure warning light). When the system detects amalfunction, the telltale will flash for approximately one minute and then remaincontinuously illuminated. This sequence will continue upon subsequent vehiclestart-ups as long as the malfunction exists . When the malfunction indicator is illumi-nated, the system may not be able to detect or signal low tire pressure as intended.
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