CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全34ページ 0.91MB]
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1712-1. Driving procedures2When drivingCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)CAUTION●Do not touch the exhaust pipe while the hybrid system is operating or immedi-ately after turning the hybrid system off. Doing so may cause burns.●Do not leave the hybrid system operating in an area with snow build-up, or whereit is snowing. If snowbanks build up arou nd the vehicle while the hybrid system isoperating, exhaust gases may collect and enter the vehicle. This may lead todeath or a serious health hazard.■Exhaust gasesExhaust gases include harm ful carbon monoxide (CO), which is colorless andodorless. Inhaling exhaust gases may lead to death or a serious health hazard.●If the vehicle is in a poorly ventilated area, stop the hybrid system. In a closedarea, such as a garage, exhaust gases may collect and enter the vehicle. This maylead to death or a serious health hazard.●The exhaust system should be checked occasionally. If there is a hole or crackcaused by corrosion, damage to a joint or abnormal exhaust noise, be sure tohave the vehicle inspected and repaired by your Lexus dealer. Failure to do somay allow exhaust gases to enter the vehicl e, resulting in death or a serious healthhazard.
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