CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全34ページ 0.91MB]
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1682-1. Driving proceduresCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)CAUTION●Do not drive in excess of the speed limit. Even if the legal speed limit permits it, donot drive over 85 mph (140 km/h) unless your vehicle has high-speed capabilitytires. Driving over 85 mph (140 km/h) may result in tire failure, loss of control andpossible injury. Be sure to consult a tire dealer to determine whether the tires onyour vehicle are high-speed capability tires or not before driving at such speeds.■When driving on slippery road surfaces●Sudden braking, acceleration and steer ing may cause tire slippage and reduceyour ability to control the vehi cle, resulting in an accident.●Abrupt changes from shift position D to B and rapid changes in the engine speedcould cause the vehicle to skid, resulting in an accident.●After driving through a pudd le, lightly depress the brake pedal to make sure thatthe brakes are functioning properly. Wet brake pads may prevent the brakes fromfunctioning properly. If the brakes on on ly one side are wet and not functioningproperly, steering control may be af fected, resulting in an accident.■When changing the shift positionBe careful not to change the shift position with the accelerator pedal depressed. Changing the shift position to any positions other than P or N may cause the vehicleto accelerate abruptly, causing an accident and resulting in death or serious injury.After changing the shift position, make sure to confirm the current shift position dis-played on the shift position indicator inside the meter.
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