CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全34ページ 0.91MB]
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1892-1. Driving procedures2When drivingCT200h_OM_OM76066U_(U)In addition, if an attempt is made to chan ge the shift position by moving the shiftlever in any of the following situations, th e buzzer will sound and the shifting opera-tion will be disabled or the shift position will automatically change to N. When thishappens, select an appropriate shift position.●Situations where the shifting operation will be disabled:* When an attempt is made to change the shift position from P to another posi-tion by moving the shift lever without depressing the brake pedal.* When an attempt is made to change the shift position from P or N to B bymoving the shift lever.●Situations where the shift position will automatically change to N:* When the P position switch is pressed while the vehicle is running.*1* When an attempt is made to select the R position by moving the shift leverwhen the vehicle is moving forward.*2* When an attempt is made to select th e D position by moving the shift leverwhen the vehicle is moving in reverse.*3* When an attempt is made to change th e shift position from R to B by movingthe shift lever.*1: Shift position may be changed to P when driving at extremely low speeds.*2: Shift position may be changed to R when driving at low speeds.*3: Shift position may be changed to D when driving at low speeds.
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