GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全81ページ 1.21MB]
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Who Is the WarrantorThe warrantor for these limited war-ranties is Lexus, a division of ToyotaMotor Sales, U.S.A., Inc., 19001 SouthWestern Avenue, Torrance, California90509-2991, a California corpora-tion.Which Vehicles Are CoveredThese warranties apply to 2013model-year Lexus GS 350 modelsregistered and normally operated inthe United States, U.S. territories andCanada. Warranty coverage is auto-matically transferred at no cost to sub-sequent vehicle owners.Multiple WarrantyConditionsThis booklet contains warranty termsand conditions that may vary depend-ing on the part covered. A warrantyfor specific parts or systems, such asthe Powertrain Warranty or EmissionPerformance Warranty, is governedby the coverage set forth in that war-ranty as well as the General WarrantyProvisions.When Warranty BeginsThe warranty period begins on thevehicle’s in-service date, which is the first date the vehicle is eitherdelivered to an ultimate purchaser,leased, or used as a company car or demonstrator.Repairs Made at No ChargeRepairs and adjustments covered bythese warranties are made at nocharge for parts and labor.Parts ReplacementAny needed parts replacement will bemade using new or remanufacturedparts. The decision whether a partshould be repaired or replaced will bemade by the servicing Lexus dealer-ship and/or Lexus. Parts scheduled tobe replaced as required maintenanceare warranted until their first replace-ment only.Note: Lexus remanufactured partsmeet or exceed all factory standardsfor safety, quality and reliability. Your Warranties in Detail16GENERAL WARRANTY PROVISIONSWARRANTY2013 GS 350_9-38a 11/18/11 7:09 PM Page 16
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