GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全81ページ 1.21MB]
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EXPLANATION OF MAINTENANCE ITEMSMAINTENANCEScheduled Maintenance Log 71Spark PlugsReplace at specified interval. Installnew plugs of the same type as origi-nally equipped. A qualified technicianshould perform this operation. Steering Linkage and BootsWith the vehicle stopped, check forexcessive freeplay in the steeringwheel. Inspect the linkage for bendingand damage and the dust boots fordeterioration, cracks and damage.Replace any damaged parts. A quali-fied technician should perform theseoperations.Timing Chain The timing chain requires no periodicinspection.Tire RotationSee your Owner’s Manualfor tirerotation requirements. Check tirepressure and check tires for damageand uneven wear. If the vehicle isequipped with a spare tire, check thecondition and pressure of the spare.Tire-Pressure Warning SensorsA tire-pressure sensor is mounted oneach full-size wheel. These sensors do not require periodic maintenance.When a sensor’s long-life lithium bat-tery becomes discharged, the batteryshould be replaced by a qualifiedtechnician following procedures inLexus service and repair publications.Transmission/Transfer CaseInspect transmission/transfer case forsigns of leakage. If you discover anyleakage, have it repaired immediatelyby a qualified technician.Note: The transmission/transfer caseand transmission fluid are a complete-ly sealed unit. Therefore, periodicchecks and replacement of the trans-mission fluid are not required, andthere is no dipstick on the transmis-sion. Any repairs that require addingor replacing fluid should be per-formed by a qualified technician fol-lowing procedures in Lexus serviceand repair publications.2013 GS 350_48-76b 11/18/11 8:57 PM Page 71
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