GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全81ページ 1.21MB]
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What types of disputes are eligible?NCDS resolves disputes involvingLexus product reliability and warrantyperformance that arise during thegreater of 1) four years or 50,000miles from the vehicle’s in-servicedate, whichever is earlier; or 2) theapplicable provision of the Lexus NewVehicle Limited Warranty. However,NCDS will not arbitrate 1) claimsinvolving a vehicle used primarily forcommercial purposes unless theLemon Laws of your state cover vehi-cles used for commercial purposes;or 2) claims that an air bag failed todeploy or deployed when it shouldnot have; or 3) disputes regardingfires and/or accidents and/or theft.Since there are other additionalexclusions, please contact NCDS for further information on eligibilityguidelines. You must file a request for arbitration with NCDS within sixmonths of the expiration of the eligi-bility period, provided the concern or alleged defect was brought to theattention of Lexus or one of its dealersduring the eligibility period.How long is the arbitrationprocess?The entire process — from the timeNCDS receives your request for arbi-tration to the arbitrator’s decision — is designed to take no more than 40days. A decision may be delayed if:•You fail to provide certain infor-mation required by NCDS.•You fail to make your vehicleavailable for inspection byNCDS in a timely manner (if an inspection is required).How do I request arbitration?To initiate arbitration, you must com-plete an NCDS customer claim formand mail it to NCDS. A claim form is included in the Lemon Law Guidelocated in your vehicle, or you mayrequest a form by calling NCDS at(866) 272-4872. When you call,please have ready your vehicle identi-fication number (VIN), the names ofyour selling and servicing dealerships,and the current mileage on yourLexus.IntroductionIF YOU NEED ASSISTANCEWARRANTY112013 GS 350_9-38a 11/18/11 7:06 PM Page 11
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