GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全81ページ 1.21MB]
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Corrosion PerforationWarrantyThis warranty covers repair orreplacement of any original bodypanel that develops perforation fromcorrosion (rust-through), subject tothe exceptions indicated under “WhatIs Not Covered” on pages 19–20.Coverage is for 72 months, regard-less of mileage.For information on how to protectyour vehicle from corrosion, see thesection entitled “Service Proceduresand Specifications — Body” in theOwner’s Manual.TowingWhen your vehicle is inoperable dueto failure of a warranted part, towingservice to the nearest authorizedLexus dealership is covered.This warranty does not cover damageor failures resulting directly or indi-rectly from any of the following:•Fire, accidents or theft•Abuse or negligence •Misuse — for example, racing or overloading•Improper repairs•Alteration or tampering, includ-ing installation of non-GenuineLexus Accessories•Lack of or improper mainte-nance, including use of fluidsother than those specified in the Owner’s Manual•Installation of non-GenuineLexus Parts•Airborne chemicals, tree sap,road debris (including stonechips), rail dust, salt, hail, floods,wind storms, lightning and otherenvironmental conditions•Water contaminationWHAT IS NOT COVERED Your Warranties in Detail 19NEW VEHICLE LIMITED WARRANTYWARRANTY2013 GS 350_9-38a 11/18/11 7:10 PM Page 19
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