GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全81ページ 1.21MB]
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If your vehicle fails a smog-check test,you may make a claim under theEmission Performance Warranty. Todo so, take your vehicle to an autho-rized Lexus dealership and present a copy of the smog-check test report.Also, take your maintenance recordsin case they are needed.If your claim qualifies for coverage,the dealership will repair your vehiclewithin 30 days (unless a shorter peri-od is required by law). If your claim isdenied, Lexus will notify you in writingof the reason within the same period.If we fail to do so, we will repair yourvehicle free of charge. The onlyexceptions allowed are when yourequest or agree to a delay, or when a delay is caused by factors beyondthe control of Lexus or the dealership.For information on how to obtainservice under the Emission DefectWarranty, see page 37, “ObtainingWarranty Service.”If a Lexus dealership is unable tocomplete repairs on your vehiclewithin 30 days, you may have therepairs made under Lexus’ provisionsfor emergency warranty repairs. Seepage 37 for details.IF YOUR VEHICLE FAILSA SMOG-CHECK TEST REPAIR DELAYSYour Warranties in Detail32CALIFORNIA EMISSION CONTROL WARRANTYWARRANTY2013 GS 350_9-38a 11/18/11 7:18 PM Page 32
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