GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全81ページ 1.21MB]
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Scheduled Maintenance LogSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE LOGMAINTENANCE45If you drive only occasionally underany of the special operating condi-tions noted, it is not necessary to change the oil every six months or5,000 miles or to perform the addi-tional services listed in the charts. Thisadded maintenance is required only ifyou drive primarily under any of thespecial operating conditions.Complimentary FirstScheduled MaintenanceService: Six Months or 5,000 MilesLexus provides your first scheduledmaintenance service at no charge.The service is performed at sixmonths or 5,000 miles, whicheveroccurs first. To obtain this service,contact your Lexus dealership. Yourcomplimentary service will includethese items: •Inspect and adjust all fluid levels•Program Lexus PersonalizedSettings, if requested•Reset maintenance reminderlight•Rotate tires•Visually inspect brake pads,calipers and rotors•Check installation of driver’sfloor mat•Road-test vehicleWhat are Lexus PersonalizedSettings?Your vehicle includes a variety ofelectronic features that can be pro-grammed to your preferences. Forexample, doors can be programmedto remain locked when you shift into“Park.” (For more information, see the“Customizable Features” section ofthe Specifications chapter in yourOwner’s Manual.) Programming ofthese features is performed once atno charge, provided you obtain theservice at the six-month/5,000-milescheduled maintenance service.Programming of some Lexus Personal-ized Settings requires special equip-ment and may be performed only byan authorized Lexus dealership. 2013 GS 350_39-47a 11/18/11 8:23 PM Page 45
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