GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全81ページ 1.21MB]
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•Reset maintenance reminderlight•Rotate tires•Visually inspect brake pads,calipers and rotors•Check installation of driver’sfloor mat•Road-test vehicleIf you do the majority of your drivingunder certain special operating con-ditions, additional items are includedin this service. See the “12 Months or10,000 Miles” chart on page 48.Loaner VehicleIf your vehicle must be kept overnightat a Lexus dealership for a warranty-covered condition that requires morethan eight hours to repair, Lexus willprovide you with a complimentaryloaner vehicle for up to five days.Travel ProtectionLexus will reimburse for a rental carfor up to five days and for overnightlodging for up to three nights (not toexceed $200 per night) if all of thefollowing occur:•Your vehicle becomes inopera-ble or unsafe to drive when youare more than 100 miles fromhome.•Your vehicle’s malfunction iscaused by a warranty-coveredcondition.•Repairs will take longer thaneight hours to complete.To obtain reimbursement for rentalcar and lodging expenses, contact aLexus dealership service consultant.Complimentary ServicesCOMPLIMENTARY SERVICESAMENITIES52013 GS 350_1-8a 11/18/11 6:18 PM Page 5
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