GSの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全81ページ 1.21MB]
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OTHER BENEFITS AND ASSISTANCEtraining, equipment, quality and cus-tomer satisfaction. These repair cen-ters use Genuine Lexus Parts exclu-sively in the repair of Lexus vehicles.The Smart Key Your Lexus vehicle was made withtwo “Smart Keys” and an aluminumkey-number plate. Each Smart Keyincludes an electronic main key thathas an integrated mechanical back-upkey. The electronic key controls theremote-entry and theft-deterrent sys-tems, enables the push-button startswitch and controls the engine immo-bilizer. The mechanical key can beremoved from the electronic key andused to operate the driver’s door lock,the glove box lock and the trunk lock(if equipped).Replacing the Key Your Lexus dealer can generatereplacement keys. Certain bonded/registered locksmiths may also beable to generate replacement keys.When ordering a new key, bring allkeys for the vehicle to your dealer-ship. If a Smart Key or the key-num-ber plate is not available, a Lexusdealer or certain locksmiths canobtain the key code from a restricted-access database. These businessescan also access a service utility toregister the keys to the vehicle if allregistered keys have been lost. If you lock your key in your vehicleand do not have a spare, your dealercan make a new mechanical key fromthe code on the key-number plate.Certain bonded/registered lock-smiths may also be able to generate a replacement mechanical key. If aLexus dealer is not available, pleaserefer to www.aloa.orgto find a bond-ed/registered locksmith who per-forms high-security key service.Keeping the Key Safe Replacing a Smart Key may be costly.We advise you to keep a spare SmartKey and the key-number plate in asafe place. If you record the key num-ber in more than one place, do notrecord it in a way that can be easilyidentified and associated with thevehicle. For example, don’t leave thenumber somewhere that can beaccessed by a valet. It is wise to keepa copy of the key number outside ofthe vehicle. Other Benefits and Assistance8AMENITIES2013 GS 350_1-8a 11/18/11 6:20 PM Page 8
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